Upsell Strategies That Work

Written by Dan Brown

As you know it can be very expensive to attract new customers. You can cut down on those expenses by "upselling" to those new customers. For example, let's say you're selling a computer with a 15" monitor for $1200. You tell people they can upgrade to a 17" monitor for only $200 more. That's upselling! Your goal is to get more money out ofrepparttar first sale. Below are ten upselling strategies you can use to increase your profits.

1. Deluxe Upsell-You could sell a basic product and tell people for a little more money they can receiverepparttar 140428 deluxe edition.

2. Money Upsell-You could offer peoplerepparttar 140429 rights to sellrepparttar 140430 product they are buying from your business. You could charge an extra $30 dollars to getrepparttar 140431 reproduction rights.

3. Discount Upsell-If you're selling a product people may order again inrepparttar 140432 future like shave gel, you could offer them a second can of shave gel at a discount.

4. Time Upsell-If you're selling a product or service people subscribe to, like a magazine, you could tell them if they subscribe for two years instead of one, they can receive it half offrepparttar 140433 cover price.

5. Quantity Upsell-This is similar torepparttar 140434 discount upsell. The only difference is you increaserepparttar 140435 discount by how many products they order. If they order 3 it's a 10% discount, if they order 5 it's a 15% discount.

Where is your website? Why is it invisible? We can help you be seen.

Written by malcolm james pugh

The Questions

Its amazing how many businesses have spent good money on website design and still are getting little or no return on this investment. Try answering these simple questions.

How much have you spent on you website? Maybe £5,000 ($10,000) or have you gone forrepparttar all singing all dancing £15,000 ($30,000) site with animated pictures, frames and rolling pages. Butrepparttar 140390 question remains - what business benefit are you deriving from your site?

How much more business are you getting because you have your website? Can you quantify and trackrepparttar 140391 incremental business you have received forrepparttar 140392 investment you have made.

When you search on what you consider a key word or phrase associated withrepparttar 140393 products/services that you provide, where does your site appear inrepparttar 140394 page rankings? Try Google, MSN and Yahoo, and try and find your site. If you are not onrepparttar 140395 first page, ask yourselfrepparttar 140396 question - how many people searching for my key word/phrase will bother going torepparttar 140397 second page of results?

.Now look atrepparttar 140398 companies that are getting a high position inrepparttar 140399 results - do you know why this is? These organisations are your key competitors and are taking business off you every day ofrepparttar 140400 week, in fact its 24/7 becauserepparttar 140401 net is always available acrossrepparttar 140402 globe. The Answers

The answer to this problem is quite simple. You have paid for someone to design a pretty website, not get you ontorepparttar 140403 first page ofrepparttar 140404 results page. But its even worse than that, some ofrepparttar 140405 techniques they have used to make your site look nice may actually reduce your ability to be seen. Yes, that's right you have paid good money to become anonymous to your customers!

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